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We currently breed and offer all colors of Sebastopol in both curly and smooth breasted. Our flock of around 60 originates from over 15 breeders throughout the US. This breed is definitely the friendliest that we own, especially the males. They have incredible personalities and a few of ours enjoy things like cuddling, while the rest are happy to steal as many treats as they can. They have distinctive long curly feathers and come in a variety of colors. They are perfect for a small hobby farm or first time goose owner.

Sexed juvenile

Blue, Grey, Buff, Color carriers $50-$175

Light blue, Lavender, Cream, Lilac $100-$300

Pure white $175-$225


Colors $15-$55

Pure white $40


Sexed colors $75-$175

Sexed pure white M-$150 F-$175



Lifespan: 25yrs

Colors: Blue, grey, buff, lilac, lavender, cream, white, saddleback, dilute, dimorphic

Size: 10-14lbs

Eggs yearly: 25-35 eggs

Temperament: Quiet, calm, friendly

Use: Meat, eggs, ornamental

Characteristics: Need extra care to stay dry in winter due to their feather type

Status: Threatened

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