Our flock currently consists of royal purple, white, jumbo grey, buff, chocolate, dundotte, brown, lavender, pinto, and coral blue. Our flock consists of around 40 originating from a few breeders across the US. Guineas tend to be more skittish and can fly extremely well. They are known for their proficiency for eating bugs and also for sounding the alarm against predators
St. run keets
Royal purple, lavender, white, jumbo grey-2 for $15
Buff, dundotte, pinto-2 for $20
Chocolate, brown, coral blue-2 for $20
Mixed Eggs
Royal purple, lavender, jumbo grey,
Buff/ dundotte, pinto/white,
Chocolate/brown, coral blue
$30/half dozen, $60/dozen
St. run juveniles
Royal purple, lavender, white, jumbo grey-$10
Buff, dundotte, pinto-$15
Chocolate, brown, coral blue- $15
Lifespan: 10-15yrs
Size: 2.5lbs-3lbs
Eggs yearly: 100+ eggs
Temperament: Noisy, flighty
Use: Meat, eggs, ornamental
Characteristics: They can fly and are good for bug control
Status: Not threatened